I'm closing in on my due date, just five weeks to go (if she doesn't decide to come early that is)! I've had my bags packed since about 30 weeks, because I'm an over planner, but here are the items that I'm bringing with me to the hospital.
Robe - I wanted something that would double for pictures if I take some at the hospital
2 pair loose pants - I'll wear sweatpants to the hospital and then bring at least one pair of joggers
2 nursing bras - I'll probably wear one to the hospital and bring an extra
Pajamas – Want to make sure I'm comfortable!
Go home outfit (if different from above) - I'm bringing a tee, joggers, and sneakers
Blanket – It'll probably be cold in the hospital
Flip flops - For showering
Makeup - Mostly bringing this for pictures
Face wipes, Deodorant, Lotion
Toiletries - love this self contained bag of toiletries
Shower items (face wash, soap, shampoo, conditioner, razor)
Hair: brush, ties, blow dryer, dry shampoo
Toothbrush, paste, mouthwash
2-3 changes of clothes / boxers / socks
Sweats and hoodie / pajamas
1-2 onsies pajamas - bringing a few different sizes in case she is small or big
1-2 hats
Car Seat (bring in later, not when you first arrive)
Formula - Regardless if breastfeeding, in case baby doesn't take or if you are formula feeding start baby on the same you'll use at home
Snacks (trail mix, granola bars, fruit snacks, cheese its)
Small extension cord
2 iPhone cords, long if possible
Camera / Charger
Given COVID, we'll also be bringing masks (1-2) and preparing to stay for longer, because from our understanding once there you won't be able to leave.
After Baby A arrives, I'll update this with what we did and didn't use. Hope this is helpful!